DNF Review: The Weight of Souls by Bryony Pearce

The Weight of SoulsTitle: The Weight of Souls
Series: Standalone
Author: Bryony Pearce
Publisher: Strange Chemistry (now defunct)
Genre: YA Paranormal
Format: ARC
Pages: 318
Source: Publisher
Release Date: August 6, 2013
Rating: 0 Sugar Cubes (DNF)
Buy: Amazon Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

Summary: 16 year old Taylor Oh is cursed: if she is touched by the ghost of a murder victim then they pass a mark beneath her skin. She has three weeks to find their murderer and pass the mark to them – letting justice take place and sending them into the Darkness. And if she doesn’t make it in time? The Darkness will come for her… She spends her life trying to avoid ghosts, make it through school where she’s bullied by popular Justin and his cronies, keep her one remaining friend, and persuade her father that this is real and that she’s not going crazy. Continue reading

Thursday Tea Break: Issue 4

Thursday Tea Break Header

Welcome to this week’s installment of Thursday Tea Break!

This is a fun, weekly series covering our get-togethers, what we are up to that week, and what books we are excited to get our hands on.

Tea of the Week:

This week we tried Grapefruit Green tea from Octavia Teas!  We felt it was a perfect choice for a sunny and warm early spring day. We threw the windows open and brewed up this juicy treat.

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The tea was light and fresh with a hint of tart grapefruit, we would have preferred a stronger fruit flavor but it was deliciously refreshing nonetheless.

Continue reading

Review: Ex-Heroes

ex-heroes_clinesTitle: Ex-Heroes
Series: Ex-Heroes, #1
Author: Peter Clines
Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
Genre: Sci-fi
Format: Paperback
Pages: 310
Source: Purchased
Rating: 4 Sugar Cubes
Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

Summary: Stealth. Gorgon. Regenerator. Cerberus. Zzzap. The Mighty Dragon. They were heroes, using their superhuman abilities to make Los Angeles a better place.

Then the plague of living death spread around the globe. Now, a year later, the heroes struggle to overcome their differences and recover from their own scars as they protect the thousands of survivors huddled in their film-studio-turned-fortress, the Mount.

But the hungry ex-humans are not the only threat the survivors face. Across the city, another group has grown and gained power. Continue reading

Review: The Rogue Not Taken by Sarah MacLean

51Gh-k5pgULTitle: The Rogue Not Taken
Series: Scandal & Scoundrel, #1
Author: Sarah MacLean
Publisher: Avon Books
Genre: Romance
Format: Paperback
Pages: 417
Source: Gift (from Erin)
Rating: 5 Sugar Cubes
Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

Summary: The youngest of the infamous Talbot sisters scandalized society at the Liverpool Summer Soiree, striking her sister’s notoriously philandering husband and landing him backside-first in a goldfish pond. And we thought Sophie was the quiet one… Continue reading

Project 52: Cover Love

A weekly book photography project, Bookish Scene: Project 52 is hosted by What Georgie Did & WordRevel. You can see their photos and more on their respective blogs.

This week’s theme was “Cover Love” so we picked A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab as our lovely book cover choice! On a novel filled with magic, princes, thieves, mayhem, and multiple Londons, the cover for AGOS is so simplistically perfect.

What covers do you love? Let us know in the comments!



Thursday Tea Break: Issue 3

Thursday Tea Break Header

Welcome to this week’s installment of Thursday Tea Break!

This is a fun, weekly series covering our get-togethers, what we are up to that week, and what books we are excited to get our hands on.

Tea of The Week

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This week we tried a very special tea from Teavana; Peach Momotaro. This is a blooming tea that, while steeping, drifts around and “blooms” into a lovely flower of tea leaves and petals. This tea is a deliciously fruity green tea that made us think of sipping ice tea in rocking chairs on front porches during a lazy summer afternoon. The scent was absolutely divine (it smells like peach rings!) and Erin had this lovely glass pot so that we could watching the process as it steeped.  Continue reading

Top Ten Tuesdays: Leaving Our Comfort Zone

Top 10 Tuesday Header

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week the topic is “books that you’ve enjoyed in the last year(ish) that have been outside of your comfort zone or regular genre.” Unfortunately, our lists are lacking a bit. On the bright side, this made us realize that we need to break out a little bit and read some different books, which may lead to a new series of posts in the future! Continue reading